What is the definition of womblands: All You Need To Know

Womblands refers to a series of videos by TikToker Chelsea Hart where she accuses TikToker Modern Warrior, aka Lance Tsosie, of sexual assault for having unprotected sex with her while lying to her about seeing other women while they were in a long-distance relationship, saying she has an ache that lives deep in her womblands

Womblands refers to a series of videos by TikToker Chelsea Hart where she accuses TikToker Modern Warrior, aka Lance Tsosie, of sexual assault for having unprotected sex with her while lying to her about seeing other women while they were in a long-distance relationship, saying she has an “ache” that lives “deep in her womblands” in one video because of it. In reality, she said, “deep in my womb, Lance.” The video sparked memes and skits on TikTok wondering where or what the womblands are, as well as significant coverage and opinions about the drama.

On March 3rd, 2022, TikToker @chelseahartisme posted a series of videos where she calls out TikToker Modern Warrior, a native American influencer, who she had a six-month long, largely long-distance relationship with. Hart says she was in an emotional place at the time after having a miscarriage. She made it clear she wanted a committed relationship and when she met with Tsosie, had unprotected sex with him. She later found out he was seeing other women while going out with him after he posted a video showing himself on a date with another woman. In one video in Hart’s response series, Hart says that she has an ache “deep in my womblands,” although may have said, “deep in my womb, Lance” (shown below). All the videos in the series have been deleted by Hart. Hart likens Tsosie’s actions to rape, which many disagreed with.

What is the meaning of the word womblands?

According to Urban Dictionary, womblands is “the place White women’s tears go to die.” The Ancestory also claimed that the location is a religious idea where the sorrow of female believers fades away. The website also stated that the place resembles “paradise in the case of the human soul.”

Who said womblands?

The drama between TikTok influencers Chelsea Hart and Lance Tsosie continues to unfold, but the word ‘womblands,’ which was used by the former in a video, has caught the attention of many. A few netizens have called the word the meme of 2022.

What are Chelsea Hart’s pronouns?

Chelsea has said that she is nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.

Have an ache deep in my womb Lance?

“I have an ache that lives deep in my womb, Lance,” Hart dramatically intoned in the video, over pensive acoustic guitar music. “Sometimes, I cry from deep in my soul about it.” Many on TikTok misheard the prior statement as “Womblands,” which instantly became a meme.

