Joe Benting, a 23-year-old MMA graduate who went missing on Sunday, October 22, after leaving a bar in Easton on his white street bike, was reportedly found dead. On Monday, October 21, Joe’s mother, Laura Sheehan Benting, posted a plea on Facebook seeking information on her son’s whereabouts after he vanished on his way home from a bar in Easton.
In the post, Laura said that Joe Benting, last seen Sunday night around 10:30 pm leaving a bar in Easton on his white street bike, was wearing joggers, a plaid hoodie, a white helmut with gold skulls, and the American flag face cover.
“I need help, my son Joe Benting (23yo) is missing! Last seen Sunday night 10/22 @10:30pm leaving a bar in Easton on his white street bike heading home to Cedarville. I think joggers. He was wearing a plaid hoodie. The helmet white with gold skulls on it and the American flag face cover. He had his gray backpack. If you have seen him please message me!”However, the search for 23-year-old Joe Benting culminated in the tragic discovery of his body after he succumbed to injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.
Tributes pour in as 23-year-old Joe Benting dies in tragic crash
In a Facebook post, Joe Benting’s mother announced that her son had died in a motorcycle accident on Sunday, October 22. The crash appeared to have occurred while Benting was riding home to Cedarville after leaving a bar in Easton. It is unknown if the victim was riding while impaired at the time of the incident.
“Joe has been found but hardly able to type this to report Joe crashed his motorcycle and did not survive. This will be my last post for a while and I appreciate all the help searching for him and prayers. We need time as a family to process this!”`In the wake of the tragic accident, the community rallied behind the Benting family and mourned Joe’s death. This came as a bigger blow to the family, as Matt Benting, Joe's older brother, reportedly passed away in 2016.
A friend commented on the post, asking people to pray for the Benting family as they contrive to endure the profound loss.
“Please pray for our Pembroke family, The Bentings, as they endure another profound loss. Rest in Peace, Joe Benting, you and Matt need to keep extra watch over your family.”Another family friend wrote:
“Life is too short, hug the people you love.. a good friend of mine has to do the unthinkable…bury her second son. Please send them prayers and hold a thought for Laura Sheehan Benting and her family… Peace, love and light.”Several others also mourned the loss and penned emotional tributes, rendering support to the family during this difficult time.
Benting reportedly graduated from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in International Maritime Business.
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