Silo Episode 4 Recap: Who Hid George Wilkins File? Why?

The fourth episode of Apple TV+s science-fiction series Silo, titled Truth, follows the aftermath of the murder of Ruth Jahns. Deputy Sam Marnes tries his best to find the murderer of his beloved by handling several suspects himself. Juliette Nichols becomes the new sheriff of the silo, much to the displeasure of Bernard Holland, the

The fourth episode of Apple TV+’s science-fiction series ‘Silo,’ titled ‘Truth,’ follows the aftermath of the murder of Ruth Jahns. Deputy Sam Marnes tries his best to find the murderer of his beloved by handling several suspects himself. Juliette Nichols becomes the new sheriff of the silo, much to the displeasure of Bernard Holland, the head of the IT department and the interim mayor of the silo. The episode also offers a window into Juliette’s past to depict how a doctor’s daughter became a mechanic/engineer at the bottom of the establishment. The episode ends with two enthralling developments. If you are intrigued about the same, let us share our thoughts about it! SPOILERS AHEAD.

Silo Episode 4 Recap

‘Truth’ begins with Bernard, Marnes, and Robert Sims discussing the ways to investigate Ruth’s death. Marnes is convinced that his beloved is murdered using rat poison and he demands a list of criminals residing in the silo to start his investigation. Juliette arrives at the office at the same time to occupy the position vacated by Holston Becker. The officers at the sheriff’s office do not welcome Juliette wholeheartedly as they fail to comprehend why an engineer from the bottom of the silo is becoming their boss. Right after assuming the sheriff’s office, Juliette asks for the file of George Wilkins, only to realize that the same is not in the office.

Marnes beats up a civilian thinking that he killed Ruth and demands the truth about the same from him. Juliette stops Marnes and asks about the way forward. She also talks to him about George’s death and how Holston wanted her to unravel the truth behind the same. Marnes gets convinced that Holston nominated the right person for his job and he promises to her that he will help her find George’s killer in return for her help to find the killer of Ruth. Sims meets Marnes about appointing Paul Billings as the new sheriff.

Marnes, who trusts Juliette after knowing that she is in pursuit of truth, tells Sims that it is better to stick with the engineer since her own failure will make her lose her job in no time, only to make sure that his new ally will continue to occupy Holston’s office. In flashback sequences, Juliette dealt with the absence of her mother and brother by fixing things. She started with a broken chair, which motivated her to leave for the bottom to be a mechanic. She wrote a fake letter from her father to the custodian of the bottom to find a place among the mechanics. Although her father ultimately met her at the bottom to take her back, he decided against the same upon seeing how contended his daughter was.

Silo Episode 4 Ending: Who Attacks Marnes?

After Sims’ meeting with Marnes, the deputy spends his time at the stairs where Ruth confessed her feelings for him. After returning to his apartment, Marnes gets attacked by an unknown man, who tries his best to strangle the old man. Marnes manages to find a way to escape from his attacks and he searches for his shotgun, only for the attacker to lay his hands on the weapon. He holds Marnes at his gunpoint, indicating that the former may want to kill the deputy. The person can be sent by Sims, who enforces the laws set by the Judicial.

Ever since Ruth decides to appoint Juliette as the new sheriff, Judicial has come in between her and the engineer. Sims approach Ruth as the representative of the Judicial to recommend Paul Billings as the ideal candidate to become the new sheriff. Ruth dies right after she dismisses the recommendation, which indicates the possibility of the governing organization killing Ruth to stop her from using her power and authority over their wishes. As the enforcer of the Judicial’s interests and laws. The same can be repeated in the case of Marnes, who decides to support Juliette over Billings, the Judicial’s sheriff candidate.

Judicial or Sims, on behalf of the governing organization, must have sent the attacker to kill Marnes to make sure that he will not unravel the truth behind Ruth’s death and come in between the Judicial’s plans to make Billings the new sheriff. After the death of Ruth, the chances of Marnes dying are indeed high. However, he isn’t an easy target to defeat despite his age. After knowing that his bottle must have gotten poisoned, Marnes considers the possibility of him being the real target of the killer. Therefore, he may have arranged a system to seek help, which may save him from his attacker and death. If that’s not the case, the residents of the silo will wake up the next morning hearing the news of Marnes’ death.

Who Hid George Wilkins’ File? Why?

After becoming the sheriff, Juliette looks for George’s file all over her office, only to fail to find the same. After returning to her apartment, she opens the vent of the place to check a certain sound that comes from the same. She notices a thread inside the vent with George’s file at the end of the same. Holston must have hidden the file in the vent to make sure that the Judicial wouldn’t destroy the file to cover up the murder of the computer geek. Since George got killed while investigating the secrets of the silo, Judicial has to be the one behind the murder.

If that’s the case, Holston must have wanted Juliette to investigate the murder as secretly as possible. He must have hidden the file to make it clear to the sheriff that she should be careful about the same. After coming to know about Ruth’s murder, we can expect Juliette to move forward with the investigation with utmost caution. If Marnes succeeds in surviving the attack alive, they may realize that their pursuit for truth cannot be done in front of the eyes of the officials who work for the Judicial.

