Cody Rhodes was expected to steal the spotlight on the June 26, 2023, edition of WWE RAW. However, it wasn’t The American Nightmare that everyone gushed over but his Siberian Husky, Pharaoh.
Rhodes’ furry family member made his WWE RAW debut with a backstage appearance. Fans couldn’t stop expressing their love for Pharaoh; many hoped he would appear more.
The American Nightmare often posts about Pharaoh on his social media. As per his posts, Pharaoh was 11 years old in 2022, which means Pharaoh was born sometime in 2011. He’s a completely white Siberian Husky with light blue eyes. Furthermore, Cody Rhodes has showcased how amazingly Pharaoh gets along with his daughter, Liberty Iris Runnels, and his other dog, a Pomeranian named Yeti Pinkerton.
The social media posts work as evidence of the proper training Pharaoh received. Cody Rhodes is extremely mindful of Pharaoh being a wolf breed and the amount of activity he needs to live a healthy lifestyle.
Cody Rhodes revealed how AEW spooked Pharaoh
During his time with AEW, Cody Rhodes and Brandi Rhodes had taken Pharaoh to the promotion’s All Out event in 2019. Even though there were pyros, The American Nightmare’s entrance wasn’t supposed to have any. However, the pyros went off, and poor Pharaoh was spooked by the noise.
Rhodes spoke about what happened during his appearance on WWE’s The Bump while explaining the capacity in which he would ever bring Pharaoh into the pro-wrestling world.
"So we had a mishap with Pharaoh once before where some genius powered some pyro off and scared Pharaoh pretty terribly. However, he really has not flinched since then, he has not held it against me, he's not mad, he is truly man's best friend. I think because you pose the question he does have to show up in some capacity. Now I don't want some sort of strange wild angle, just his presence he could be here on The Bump," Rhodes noted.It goes without saying that The American Nightmare cannot travel with Pharaoh. The only reason he was able to bring Pharaoh to WWE RAW is because the live show’s location was a couple of hours from his home in Atlanta.
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